Monday, July 21, 2008

Hellohellohello big wave to evryoneeee teehee :D As we all know, part of th class, The almighty Econs Clan would be participating in th MI Mart held at Plaza Singapura on 2nd August, Saturdayy (: Th purpose of this shoutout is to hope tht we can receive your helping hand! Your contributions would mean a megawatt smile for us. Anw, a friend in need is a friend indeed isn't it? Woohoo! Thr's two ways you can render your support. Monetary wise (we need revenue for flyers, posters, stall decorations, etc...) &/or By Donating us second-hand clothings! Good conditioned + no stench stuffs shall fit th bill! Anw, here's th breakdown of what you can donate to us....

1. Blouses/Shirts... (of all ages!)
2. Pants/Shorts... (of all ages!)
3. Accesories... (preferably, bracelets/bangles, etc...)
4. Hair Accesories... (head bands, cutey clips, etc...)
5. Scarves... (of all widths & lengths!)
6. Shoes... (wash it first, ok!)

You get the idea! Everything tht can be worn on your body is literally clothings! Just donate everything tht you feel like throwing away, to ussss!! To avoid severe hassle, you guys can slowly collect and slowly bring th items everyday till th end of th next week (: Now you know wht to do after you read this post, go and ask ervyone ard you!! Relatives/ friends/ maids everyone tht you think might have a cupboard full of unused clothings and bring those items to us!

Thank you everyone!

08A5's Econsxz Clan.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hey :D On (this coming) Monday, 21st July everyone's permitted to wear their ethnic costumes to school in comemoration of Racial Harmony Day 2008! It's highly encouraged so... Do come to school wearing pretty costumes alright :D However, thr's always a guideline for us to follow. Here goes th no-no's! Heed my advice, and stay by th rule!

1. No Jeans
2. No Heels
3. No Slippers
4. No spaghetti straps
5. No revealing clothes
6. No Elaborate Accesories

Disciplinary actions will be taken against all offenders.
Do take note! Enjoy your weekends (:

Love, Aina!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Okay sorry you guys for leaving this blog infested with dusts and spiderwebs and whatnots ahem alright anyway updates from th MI Link :D :D :D (it's kind of a wee bit late but ohwell...)

2008 GCE A Level Listening Comprehension Examination on 17/7
Students taking the Chinese 8201/9242/8633 Listening Comprehension Examination are to report to their respective venues at 2.20 pm.

Students taking the Malay 8635 & Tamil 8637 Listening Comprehension Examination are to report to their respective venues at 4.20 pm.

Please refer to the examination notice board outside the General Office for the assigned venues. For any other queries, you may look for Mr Cheng Ngee Hiang or Ms Low Wai-Peng.

(this kinda sucks but for some, u'll hav to click th blog title, "Updates!" to see th picturesxz in th post. don't ask me why. damn loser, i know...pfft)


School ends at 12 on 17/7 due to th 'event' stated above (:
Which means most of us are freee after PE!! Yayy wooohoo let's partaye!!!! Kay. Overly-excited here. Anyways, ahem use this time wisely yeah? Study hard ppl!! Less than a month left of tching days for th almighty promos yeah. Increase efficiency everyone.. c'mon let's buck up!

NEFMQ Quiz 2008
It doesn't matter if u take econs or not cus it's sort of a common sensical type of qns. Erm. I think. Anyways... just do it to pass time alright. With a cup of milk and oreo, click on this link! Yeap tht's it... Tht's th way to go!! Mr Tang will appreciate your efforts hehe =D

Do rmbr to get your Parent-Tcher Conference letter signed by tmr, 17/7 and be noted tht on tht day, which is next Friday, 25/7 thr's no school for us BUT we do need to attend PTC escorted by our parents. Some may be elated some may fall into depression but keep in mind tht it's time to move on! We do have time to change our ways and excel all th waaayyyy. Think Promos! Good luck ppl (:

Love, Aina!

Friday, July 11, 2008

As Americans worry about the rate of inflation exceeding 4 percent, we should consider Zimbabwe, where the inflation rate broke the shocking 100,000 percent mark and the country released a 10 million-dollar note (now valued below $4 on the black market). But Zimbabwe's currency is hardly the only one inflated beyond reason. —George Quraish

Hey ppl...i dunno wat 2 post....found this in my sec sch blog...looked pretty just have a look.

Satheesh ^_^

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Temperature Taking Exercise

  • Wed 9 July - Oral Digital Thermometer (ODT) inspection.
  • Fri 11 July - Actual temperature taking exercise.
  • All students are required to bring their ODTs to school on 9 and 11 July.
  • Check ODTs over th weekend.
  • If faulty, you may purchase from the school's General Office (at $5.00 per ODT).
  • Stocks are running low thus, first-come-first-serve basis.

Everyone's involve so prz take note.
Love, Aina.

other thn lol! whtever Abu is saying on th post below omg haha -.-

  • Hair Issues (length, colour, inappropiate places... etc, etc)
  • Skirt Issues (Girls, on tht day, th skirt.. okay alright?)
  • Collar Pin Issues (Rmbr your badges on tht day prz!)
  • Socks/Shoes Issues (White socks + acceptable shoes)
  • Miscellenous Issues (Jewellery othr thn earrings, etc, etc...)

I guess tht's about it. Anything else?? Leave msg on th comment box! Thank you (:

MT H1 Oral Exams!
Some of our friends; our classmates might be taking it on Tuesday afternoon. Best of luck to thm and may they be blessed with a nice examiner and easy topics. On our part, let's not spoil their day hehe (:

See you guys on Tuesday!!!
Love, Aina :D :D :D

Friday, July 4, 2008

Alright people. Monday is YOUTH DAY. Feel no guilt, ignore your conscience when you're not schooling on that day. It's official. Break away from rules and confines if you want to. Leave the bounds of moral constraints and reap all the rewards if applicable.

Parroting Mr Tang's email - (Economic students only) :

  • In view of the standard of answers for the Mid Year Exams, I need you to prepare essay outlines for BOTH essay questions. We will discuss them in class next TUESDAY. Pls remind your classmates who do not check their emails.
  • You are also reminded to start sourcing for items to sell on MI Mart (2 August).

To H2 Malay students, there will be a Youth Seminar tomorrow @ TPJC Auditorium. You're not to question the game they play because it's compulsory! Be at the school's bus stop when the morning sun rose, just as it did like yesterday. The dress code will be MI's school uniform. Contact Zahrah for more details.

To sum up, there will be a 'Hair & Uniform' check on Tuesday, 8th July 2008. Guys, shave watever you think is the best. HAHA. Don't end up having a teacher coming to you and say, "Son. Leave it behind. It isn't the place you belong." So, please rise above or 08A5 will fall.

To challenge the sky and heavens above.
Abu Huzaifah.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dates: 27th JUNE – 11TH JULY 2008 afternoons

1. An absence from the Oral Exam will result in a ‘X’ grade on your certificate regardless of whether you sit for other components of Mother Tongue.
2. Check the Noticeboard outside the General Office for your name and remember the Date of exam and the Team Number
3. If your name cannot be found please inform HOD of Mother Tongue, Mr Wong Chong Lum, immeadiately.


1. Report to the Hall at 2 PM sharp.
2. You must be in full school uniform.
3. Bring your NRIC.
4. Bring a jacket if you can't withstand the cold.
5. No handphones or other electronic devices allowed. Any electronic devices or unauthorized materials found in possession will be taken to mean that you have dishonest intent. You may be barred from the examination.

Those invovlved. Do take note (:

Love, Aina.

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